by the way

An international project that aims to invent and promote new forms of non-formal adult education directed to adults with specific needs – people with low skills and competencies.


Our aims

Promoting Lifelong learning

Change of awareness of the necessity and importance of lifelong learning.

increasing participation in education

Change of the perception of non-formal education by people with low educational skills

Scharing Good practices

Promotion of the exchange of good practices between experienced trainers working with groups with low skills and competencies

Creating Guides for trainers

Create new methods and approaches, guides for trainers and social activists, who will show how to create an educational process for groups that declare a reluctance to formal education


Cover of toolkit

Methodological nuggets - toolkit

Descriptions of the best consortium methods, approaches and good practices used in working with people with low educational skills and their surroundings (family, neighborhoods) with peer review from our trainers and educators.


The manual was prepared by professional adult educators and activists for other professionals. It is based on the experience of transnational group of trainers, facilitators, and mentors. It contains a new set of approaches and methods focused on taking advantage of any opportunities to provide new competencies to adults.

HOW IT WORKS - Appendix to Manual

Recommendations and description of implementation of manual for education activists working with people with low competencies.


international consortium

Logo - partners

Stowarzyszenie Trenerow Organizacji Pozarzadowych - POLAND

Leader of the project. NGO Trainers' Association (STOP) is nationwide non-governmental organization uniting more than 200 people working in non-formal adult education and working for social change in Poland.

Kansanvalistusseura - FINLAND

The Finnish Lifelong Learning Foundation (KVS) is politically and religiously non-affiliated organisation established in 1874. Works as a specialist and service provider of lifelong learning specializing in communications and media literacy education.

Asociace odborníků v andragogice ČR, z. s. - Czech Republic

The Association of Czech Experts in Andragogy (AOA CR)- non-governmental, non-political and non-profit civic association that aim is to ensure the professionalism of the members and contribute to the development of education.

The European Association for the Education of Adults - BELGIUM

EAEA is the voice of non-formal adult education in Europe. EAEA is a European NGO with 133 member organisations in 43 countries and represents more than 60 million learners Europe-wide.

Replay Network - ITALY

Italian association of educators and trainers active at an international level within almost all the European Programmes regarding non-formal education, learning through mobility and active citizenship.




May 13-17, 2019 - Warsaw

Main purpose of the training was to exchange knowledge and skills regarding work with groups with low competences. 15 trainers and educators from Poland, Finland, Czech Republic and Italy learned from each other the new methods and approaches.

One of the tools was Educational Escape Room, which was designed for families where parents have low social and parental competences. During activities in the room parents and their children cooperate and learn about cyberbullying or behavioral addictions.

Important part of the meeting was peer review, analisys and critical aproach to used methodology. Presented methods and tools become a part of a Toolkit and some of them are included in our Guide for Trainers.


june 10-14, 2019 - Rome

During this training we continued sharing good practices, tools and methods.

One of the topics was the museum as a place of non-formal education in adulthood. We’ve created a pop-up museum as a method involving everyone’s personal experience to stimulate a cognitive approach that creates new knowledge. This tool is very versatile because it is an easy tool to transfer and use with various topics and stimulates, strengthens and fuels curiosity.       


SEPTEMBER 16-18, 2019 - Helsinki

The training was devoted to familiarizing the group of trainers with a draft of Manual for trainers and prepare them to run their pilot training using methods and tools presented in Manual for trainers (our main result of the project).

The most importat part were a short etiuds (demos) based on contend created in our Handbook and presented by trainers during training. The demos concentrated on drama method, storytelling, out-of-class learning, peer learning and flipped learning method. That activity allowed trainers to gain knowledge and feel more confident to use tools in ther pilot training.

Presentations allowed us gather feedback and conclusions on tools and methods and improve content of our Manual.


EDUCATION BY THE WAY | Strategic Partnerships in the field of adult education | No. 2018-1-PL01-KA204-051193